There are many different kinds of knots with many uses, but today we are going to focus on a knot that will provide you with a double line. If you’re looking for a knot that is as durable and useful as the Bimini Twist, then you have come to the right place. The Spider Hitch knot is a much faster and simpler knot to tie and use and today we’re going to give you a quick overview on how to tie it. Ready to get started?
Let’s take this knot step by step!
Spider Hitch Knot

The Spider Hitch Knot
Step 1 & 2 :
Step 2:
Take a long piece of fishing line and fold it in half. Then, make a small loop with your string. Grasp the loop you’ve made with your forefinger and your thumb.
Step 3:
You will want to do this 15 times if you’re using a braided fishing line. Then, pass the end of your doubled line through the loop.
Step 4:
Once you’ve done that, gently pull the doubled line off of your thumb. Take care to ensure that they unwind from your thumb slowly. Finally, wet the knot with a little saliva and pull on each of the four ends to tighten it.
Our Take:
This knot creates a durable double line that you can tie very quickly. Unlike the Burmini Twist, the Spider Hitch can be tied in the midst of activity, making it the perfect solution in a tight spot. Though it lacks some of the shock-absorption of other knots, it can save your line in a difficult situation. We hope that you’ve found this quick guide useful to you and that you have good luck with your knots on your next fishing trip!