The Egg Loop Knot is the knot essential for catching Salmon and Steelhead and several other big fish which love feeding on fish eggs and roe. The practice of tying this knot is rewarded by reeling in the big ones. Several things to remember are:
• Always keep the loops you are wrapping on the hook tight.
• Left handers, reverse the process
• Work slowly. If the loops become loose, start over again.
Egg Loop Knot

Catch the Big Fish Using The Egg Loop Knot You Just Tied
Step 1:
Start with line roughly four feet in length. This will give you a leader of about four feet. Hold the hook by the bend, the barb end facing down, between your thumb and forefinger. Thread about twelve inches of line through the eye of the hook leaving a three foot trailer. Place the trailer between your fingers that are holding the hook . Hold them tightly.
Step 2:
Begin to wrap the line around the straight edge (or shank) of the hook, keeping the loops even and tight. Make around 15 to 20 wraps around the shank, keeping the line taunt.
Step 3:
Now for the tricky part, remember practice makes perfect.
The next step is to take the leader line you’ve been wrapping around the shank and put the end, about an inch or so, through the eye of the hook. Remember to hold the wrapped part tightly as you perform this step. Wrap the remaining loops around the shank of the hook in the same direction as the first loops you made. Use medium pressure for these loops. I’ll tell you why later. Five or six wraps will do, making sure there are no overlaps.
The next step is to take the leader line you’ve been wrapping around the shank and put the end, about an inch or so, through the eye of the hook. Remember to hold the wrapped part tightly as you perform this step. Wrap the remaining loops around the shank of the hook in the same direction as the first loops you made. Use medium pressure for these loops. I’ll tell you why later. Five or six wraps will do, making sure there are no overlaps.
Step 4 & 5:
This is important – keep the line which you made your wraps taunt. Slide you thumb and forefinger over the loops, holding them firmly. Now, you have two choices; use your right hand that was holding the wrapping line or use your teeth – pull the small bit of line hanging from the eye of the hook through the loops held with your left hand. Pull it slowly until snug.
Step 6:
Pull up the line on top of the shank to form a loop. This loop holds the bait – perfect for fish eggs or a roe sack.
Our Take:
Get ready to catch the big ones. Happy fishing.