Lake Fairlee

16 Passumpsic Point
Fairlee, VT 05045
About Lake Fairlee
Lake Fairlee is a lake that brings back memories for many residents and visitors to the US state of Vermont. In fact, it is the second body of water to bear the name "Fairlee"; nearby Lake Morey was originally called Fairlee Pond. The natural lake, which was enlarged in 1939 by the damming of a tributary, Ompompanoosuc, is one of the largest natural lakes in Vermont and the third largest in North America.
Once a typical New England town with a large cultivation area, by the end of the 19th century the town was divided into two parts, with West Fairlee, Post Mills and Thetford forming a separate entity. The two towns are separated by a ridge and Lake Morey is located on the lake, which should confuse those unknown to the region.
Residents and visitors enjoy a wide range of water sports such as kayaking, canoeing, swimming, fishing and kayaking. Although the Sate of Vermont prohibits the use of watercraft, all types of water sports can be practiced on the lake as long as they are safe.
Much of the bank is wooded, although a large part of it is summer camp and four are still in operation. At least nine children's camps are held on the lake, at least one of which is still taking place in summer. The lake borders the city of Fairfield and the state of Vermont as well as the city of Burlington, Vermont.
The State Fisheries and Wildlife Service has a public jetty on the northeast shore near the highway, and the town of Thetford on the southeast coast has a jetty for residents. Lake Fairlee is an excellent fishing area, with a wide range of fish species and trout as well as a variety of other species. Middle Brook and Blood Brook bays are the most attractive for fly fishermen, but huge trout can be caught in the bay, although there is no current state of the stock.
Ice fishing and skating are popular activities when the ice is thick enough and when it is cold enough. Add your photos of Lake Fairlee, Vermont, in the comments below or on our Facebook page for more information.
The Lake Fairlee Association works to ensure good water quality and keeps an eye on invasive species. This very active organization works with the city to organize annual events such as Clean-up Days and to inform hut owners about current issues, new regulations and expectations. The town of Thetford has a children's playground, which is a popular destination for children and a great place for picnics.
Canoeing is very popular on Lake Fairlee, as are kayaking and boating to see bald eagles and herons (birds of prey) having dinner on the shore.
The autumn colours are absolutely spectacular and the Wildlife Management Area is an excellent place for birdwatching. The Podunk Wildlife Management Area is located south of Lake Fairlee on the west side of the lake and offers hiking and fishing opportunities. It offers excellent bird watching, as well as a great place for boating, kayaking, canoeing, fishing and other activities.
The Lake Fairlee area is rich in well maintained snowmobile trails and a number of snowmobile and hiking trails.
Lake Fairlee was probably more famous a hundred years ago than it is today, but it was more than famous for its summer evenings, which were one of the most popular summer activities in Vermont in the late 19th century.
In 1869, Thomas Henry Chubb began producing fine fishing rods and selling all kinds of fishing gear in a factory in Post Mills. More summer hotels were built, cottages began to pollute the lake, and in 1868 the first post office, post office and post office were built in Thetford, Vt. In 1871, a new post office, Post - Mills Post House, was built on the lake, which helped to promote the landscape and climate of Tford, which were marketed to summer visitors. The mills had boats for painting and steamboats, as well as a boat repair shop and a shop for fishing equipment.
A series of summer camps for children offered urban children healthy outdoor activities, meaning there are still three camps that are now run by the Aloha Foundation and the CVJM Camp. One of these camps is a multi-generation camp where adults can relive their childhood experiences and present the experiences of a summer camp to their children and grandchildren.
West Fairlee was once an important copper mining area, and the amusing history of this area tells us that when the new owners of the mill changed hands, they explained that the water belonged to them and opened the dam to drain it. The water level has been lowered by seven or eight meters, so that the floating platforms in the camp remain in shallow water. The dam is owned by the Vermont Mining Company, a subsidiary of the New York State Department of Natural Resources.
The state of Vermont stepped in and declared that it owned the water, but only for its own use and not for the benefit of the public.
V apartments are available when booked in spring, but not in the summer months. Most sleep in self-catering cottages rented weekly or monthly, and some are open to the public on weekends and holidays.
Several bed and breakfasts are located in areas that are not directly on the lake, and areas east of the Connecticut River are often well served by specialty restaurants.
Lake Fairlee is close enough to attract the weekend of a lifetime, but it's waiting for you, so experience all the traditional holidays at Lake Vermont. Properties in the Lake Fairlee area are occasionally available, and some of the properties nearby are occasionally available.