Douglas Lake

928 Burchfield Road
Dandridge, TN 37725
About Douglas Lake
Douglas Lake, also known as Douglas Reservoir, is covered by Douglas County, Tennessee, USA, and is located on the east side of the Cumberland River, north of Knoxville, TN. Douglas Lake is also located in the same county as the other two great lakes in Tennessee: the Douglas River and the Tennessee River. Besides the two lakes, the Douglas fir reservoir, a small part of it can be located in the county.
Most of the lake's shore is private agricultural land, but Douglas Dam also provides flood protection for the Tennessee Valley.
Douglas Lake was founded in 1942 by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide water and electricity needed during the war. Construction of a dam on the Cumberland River, the first of its kind in the United States, began in 1943 and was completed in 1944 with a capacity of 1.5 million cubic feet per second (MW).
The water level of Douglas Lake can vary from a low winter pool to a high summer pool by 40 - 50 feet. Low water levels in winter store rainfall for next spring, and melting snow and spring rain are released to generate electricity and keep the reservoir as navigable water - levels on the Tennessee River.
Douglas Lake is a major recreational destination attracting over two million visitors a year, and twelve public boat ramps provide access to the lake. Douglas Lake was built for flood control and power generation, as well as recreation for residents and visitors.
Shore birds, waders and other waterfowl feed and rest in the shallow waters along the coast. Bird watchers enjoy hiking from late July to early October, and birdwatching is a popular activity on the lake.
The late winter and early spring offer a good opportunity to fish when suckers, Valais and white perches take over the spring water of the reservoir. Ten.Fishermen catch a wide variety of wild fish, most of them from Douglas Lake, but they are supplemented by their stocks to maintain healthy populations. Be the first to add your photos to the Flickr group to photograph fish and wildlife in the area.
TVA - self-service campsites include Headwater and Tailwater Campgrounds, as well as the headwaters and backwaters of Douglas Lake. Headwaters Campground also features a picnic area, picnic tables and a bluff-top picnic table overlooking the lake. The Tail Water Campground, a self-service campsite, consists of a group pavilion that can be booked for special occasions. The Tail Water Camp is operated by TVA.
The park has more than 800 kilometers of hiking trails, from short to strenuous walks, with short, medium and long paths. TVA welcomes visitors to Douglas Dam and Power Plant and Awe - inspiring mountain views, both by car and on foot. Douglas Lake National Park, one of the most visited national parks in the United States, draws water from the springs and backwaters of Douglas Lake.
With over 1500 black bears in the park, visitors hope to catch a glimpse of these magnificent animals. At sunset over the smokies we went back to Douglas Lake to prepare for the adventure of the next day.